Entangled Fate


The story gets attractive until you found yourself weeping. The day wasn't that bright and the dusk is near when everything started colliding, at first it was a mere minor issue until it metamorphoses into an unimaginable.

I came out of the hostel after a short siesta, I was lone in the hostel, no one to talk with only my phone and my girlfriend to call, had I known this would happened, I would've stayed with an ill junior I visited before I napped.

Well, I sighed, after remembering an occurrence of a girl I wooed during my first semester exam that resulted into a huge embarrassment, you won't imagined I was slapped by one skinny dark girl I only wanted to manage, ain't even my style lol. I said to myself "not many people remember what happened that day again oo but that day it seems the case can never be forget, just lol.. 

I smiled thinking aloud when I heard a phone ringing, actually an iphone ringtone, I was the only one there so how come a phone is ringing out of nowhere. I began searching around when I found the broken ringing iphone over a fence adjacent my hostel, I sluggishly picked it up and look at the screen the call dropped before I could see the caller name but lol it was an iphone 14 pro for real. You thinking how I knew? They are not difficult to identify. What was most amusing was that it was somewhat unlock, okay wait if you were me what do you think will be your thought.. At first I planned to keep the phone to myself, who doesn't want a good thing, I soliloquize..

What if it's a set up or other sort of those tiktoker's prank and so, another thought came up, I noded to it, afterall I had my best of phone that could compete with iphones so why the stress, I went back to where I sat and dailed the number that called last but the airtime has been exhausted so I dialed the number on my phone to get to the caller.

The receiver picked up the call and exclaim hello, it was a woman, I simply said "come to this address and collect it" I gave the address and dropped the call...

I rechecked the number and somehow I miswrite the number, without putting much effort I redialed the correct number and inform the receiver to come to the address to collect the item. I'm I not a good samaritan? 🥺 Didn't I do enough? Was I wrong having take such a good step? Can you imagined what happened to me after such a good step I took? 😥

Everything was fate, I waited outside for those coming, I heard a sound of a car an a bike, how does that has anything to do with me,, now a man and a woman who appears to be a couple with other three fierce looking policemen come to my front and enquired was I the one that called earlier and I ignorantly replied yes, one of the policemen kicked me with his boot without any retraint and I fell to the ground, I angrily stand up feeling the pain in the abdomen and face the policeman to query him when an invisible hand landed on my left cheek, I fell again not understanding what's going when another set of four huge looking guys that two of them seems fraud guys (yahoo) came to where I was lying asking me where is the phone but before I could utter a word, a man among the four punched me heavily on the face..

Hmmm, let me explain this quagmire.

The couple and the three policemen happened to have been in search of the lost couple's kid which was later said to has been kidnapped by their neighbor who has been threatening them he'll kill the kid if a ransom wasn't paid into a given account within 7days, the couples has paid the money into the man's account but yet to get the kid after 10days, the neighbor threatened them again to pay another heafty ransom to the same account if they do not want the kid dead the next 3 days, to which they did send the money.

The kidnapper then has informed them to wait for his call at exactly a certain stipulated time to get the address which happened to be the time I called and that was the wronged number I dialed meaning to them I actually happened to be the kidnapper or an accomplice. 😭

The iphone owners I called has been tracking the phone for the past 4days, they claimed it was stolen and I was the thief..

It does seems a simple problem to solve just by explaining stuffs and showing evidence right, lol. Just then they heard a sound of a kid crying in my hostel corridor..

I really don't know how to explain this 😭😭 because the kid was obviously the couple's child..

To be continued........ Watch out for part 2!

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