
Entangled Fate

By:Justus The story gets attractive until you found yourself weeping. The day wasn't that bright and the dusk is near when everything started colliding, at first it was a mere minor issue until it metamorphoses into an unimaginable. I came out of the hostel after a short siesta, I was lone in the hostel, no one to talk with only my phone and my girlfriend to call, had I known this would happened, I would've stayed with an ill junior I visited before I napped. Well, I sighed, after remembering an occurrence of a girl I wooed during my first semester exam that resulted into a huge embarrassment, you won't imagined I was slapped by one skinny dark girl I only wanted to manage, ain't even my style lol. I said to myself "not many people remember what happened that day again oo but that day it seems the case can never be forget, just lol..  I smiled thinking aloud when I heard a phone ringing, actually an iphone ringtone, I was the only one there so how come a phone is r